zaterdag 21 december 2013

Een job in Peru

meer info
Expert in cocoan beans - chocolate
Land: Peru
Stad/regio: Missing import data
Aanvrager: Qulinaria Peru/Shatell Chocolade
Competentie: Technical/Engineering
Beschrijving: Qulinaria peru is an artisan chocolate factory specialized in fine chocolates, with high cocoa content, using organic cocoa from different areas of the Peruvian amazon area. They make bonbons, bars and couvertures for other chocolate makers too and export to Europe and United States (1.5 ton). They want to be able to process their chocolates from the beans.
Profiel: Chocolate expert in roasting, pelling and grinding of cocoa beans to make chocolate.
Periode: As soon as possible
Telefoonnummer: please contact per e-mail
Referentie: PPE01450

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